Myth or Fact? The Real Story About the VA Home Loan 1CE

Homestead Title (DTC Conference Room) 8480 E. Orchard Road (4th Floor Conference Room), Greenwood Village

This class will cover the ins and outs of the VA loan. It will be taught by a VA Loan expert and Aslan Home Lending Loan Officer, Tim Burnham. This class includes 1 hour of CE for all Real Estate agents. Class Highlights: » Overview...


Divorce Lending in Real Estate 1CE

Homestead Title (DTC Conference Room) 8480 E. Orchard Road (4th Floor Conference Room), Greenwood Village

Learn how to best serve your divorcing clients and build significant business around this prevalent niche. Topics and information includes: »  Timelines for repurchase during/after divorce »  Keys to buyer qualification for a mortgage during the divorce process »  Why it’s important that your divorcing...
