How To Protect Your Clients From Metro Districts 1CE

The Village Workplace 7173 S. Havana Street, Suite 600, Centennial

This class will cover the following topics: »  What are Metro Districts and why we have them in Colorado. »  How developers and builders secretly control Metro Districts. »  The types of debt Metro Districts issue and the staggering amount of debt that has been...


Home Owners Associations for Real Estate Agents 1CE

Homestead Title (Cherry Creek Conf Room) 501 S. Cherry Street, Suite 250 (2nd Floor Conference Room), Glendale

**CANCELLED**   Gain essential insights into Homeowners Associations in this 1-hour class designed exclusively for agents. Learn about why we have HOA’s, HOA basics for buyers and sellers, regulations, and how they can impact your client’s homebuying decision. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your...
